< Master index Index for bioelectromagnetism >

Index for bioelectromagnetism

Matlab files in this directory:

 AnalyzeMovieAnalyzeMovie - Save analyze images to a kine-loop AVI
 ColorMapsMakecolorMapsMake - Interactive color map maker
 ColorMapsShowcolorMapsShow - display/select available Matlab colormaps
 ContentsMRI_TOOLBOX v2.0
 CreateObjectMapobjectmap = CreateObjectMap ( height, width, depth )
 DTIvolDTIVOL M-file for DTIvol.fig
 DefaultObjectO = DefaultObject ( Name )
 LegendrePfunction p=LegendreP(nmax,x)
 LoadAVWObjectMapobjectmap = LoadAVWObjectMap ( Filename )
 NewObjectIndex = NewObject ( objectmap, Name )
 PVC_eqWPartial Volume Correction
 Polyhedraone of five regular polyhedra
 RotateImageRotateImage - Rotates an image by X degrees
 Rotate_demorotate_demo - 3D rotation demo using rx,ry,rz
 Rxrx - Rotate 3D Cartesian coordinates around the X axis
 Ryry - Rotate 3D Cartesian coordinates around the Y axis
 Rzrz - Rotate 3D Cartesian coordinates around the Z axis
 SaveAVWSaveAVW ( Filename, avw )
 SaveAVWObjectMapSaveAVWObjectMap ( Filename, objectmap )
 avg_openavg_open - function to handle various eeg_load commands
 avw2brainstormavw2brainstorm - Convert Analyze struct into BrainStorm file
 avw2ctfmri = avw2ctf(avw)
 avw2freesurfer_coravw2cor - converts an avw struct to FreeSurfer COR-* files
 avw_binaryavw_binary - return 0 for avw.img <= thresh, 1 otherwise
 avw_centeravw_center - find center of a volume
 avw_center_massavw_center_mass - find center of mass for an image volume
 avw_converter_scriptavw_converter_script - convert byte order of .img files
 avw_flipAVW_FLIP - ortho-flip Analyze data image (avw.img)
 avw_hdr_check_datatypeavw_hdr_check_datatype - read Analyze format data header (*.hdr)
 avw_hdr_makeAVW_HDR_MAKE - Create Analyze format data header (avw.hdr)
 avw_hdr_readavw_hdr_read - read Analyze format data header (*.hdr)
 avw_hdr_writeAVW_HDR_WRITE - Write Analyze header file (*.hdr)
 avw_homogeneity_correctionavw_homogeneity_correction - 2D correction of MRI RF nonuniformity
 avw_img_composeAVW_IMG_COMPOSE - Compose single slice Analyze files into a volume
 avw_img_readavw_img_read - read Analyze format data image (*.img)
 avw_img_read_4davw_img_read - read Analyze format data image (*.img)
 avw_img_writeavw_img_write - write Analyze image files (*.img)
 avw_img_write_complexavw_img_write - write Analyze image files (*.img)
 avw_metricAVW_METRIC - Convert image location from CRS to meters
 avw_paintscript to test vertex to voxel coordinate mapping
 avw_poiFile/function name: poi.m (Pixels Of Interest)
 avw_readavw_read - read Analyze format data image (*.img)
 avw_resliceavw_reslice - Linear interpolation (using interp3)
 avw_roiavw_roi - extract a region of interest from avw.img
 avw_shrinkwrapavw_shrinkwrap - Tesselate the surface of a 3D Analyze 7.5 avw struct
 avw_smoothavw_smooth - Guassian smoothing
 avw_statsavw_stats - calculate region of interest stats for avw data
 avw_viewavw_view - create and navigate ortho views of Analyze 7.5 volume
 avw_view3AVW_VIEW3 - Create slices of Analyze file and overlay surface vertices
 avw_view_hdrAVW_VIEW_HDR - View and modify Analyze header file
 avw_view_oldAVW_VIEW - Create and navigate ortho views of Analyze file
 avw_view_testAVW_VIEW: Create and navigate ortho views of Analyze file
 avw_view_v5AVW_VIEW - Create and navigate ortho views of Analyze file
 avw_writeavw_write - write Analyze files (*.img & *.hdr)
 bioelectromagnetism_documentationbioelectromagnetism_documentation - script to use m2html for documentation
 bluehotBLUEHOT make blue hot to red hot dual intensity colorscale
 brainstormresults2freesurferbrainstormresults2freesurfer - script to extract brainstorm inverse to freesurfer
 brik2mghBRIK2MGH function to read 3D+time AFNI BRIK
 cnt_opencnt_open - function to handle various eeg_load commands
 convert_erps2brainstormconvert_erps2brainstorm - script to convert ascii to brainstorm ERP data
 convert_mri2brainstormScript to convert freesurfer analyze files into brainstorm format
 cor2avwcor2avw - Read Freesurfer MRI data (COR-001 to COR-256)
 cor_img_readCOR_IMG_READ - Read Freesurfer format data (COR-001 to COR-256)
 coregister_fiducialscoregister_fiducials - Determine fiducial points coregistration
 create_mysqldb_freedriverCREATE MySQL DATABASE for 'PTSDPET' study
 crosshairCROSSHAIR: A gui interface for reading (x,y) values from a plot.
 crosshair_subplotsCROSSHAIR: A gui interface for reading (x,y) values from a plot.
 eeg_Volt2uVeeg_volt2uv - Convert volts to microvolts
 eeg_amplitudeareaeeg_amplitudearea() - Resamples an ERP average using spline interpolation
 eeg_amplitudearea2eeg_amplitudearea() - Resamples an ERP average using spline interpolation
 eeg_anova_scripteeg_anova_script - example task ERP analysis
 eeg_bad_channelseeg_bad_channels - Calculate various indices of bad voltage channels
 eeg_bad_channels_scripteeg_bad_channels_script - process files with eeg_bad_channels
 eeg_baselineeeg_baseline - remove mean of baseline period from all EEG epochs
 eeg_colormapeeg_colormap - generates EEG/ERP colormaps for eeg_toolbox
 eeg_colormap_scripteeg_colormap_script - play with colour mapping
 eeg_contour_levelseeg_contour_levels - Defines contour levels relative to zero.
 eeg_contour_scripteeg_contour_script - play with colour mapping
 eeg_contours_engineeeg_contours_engine - Generates contour/topographic maps
 eeg_correlationseeg_correlations - Pearsons correlations
 eeg_crosshaireeg_crosshair - A gui interface for reading (x,y) values from a plot.
 eeg_diff_scripteeg_diff_script - calculate ERP difference waves
 eeg_filtereeg_filter - apply a butterworth polynomial filter
 eeg_grand_mean_ascii_scripteeg_grand_mean_ascii_script - generate grand mean ERP
 eeg_grand_mean_load_asc_scripteeg_grand_mean_load_asc_script - load grand mean ERPs
 eeg_interp_scalp3D_testeeg_interp_scalp3d_test - Script to test 3D interpolation of scalp potentials
 eeg_interp_scalp_mesheeg_interp_scalp_mesh - Script to interpolate scalp potentials over mesh
 eeg_interp_scalp_scripteeg_interp_scalp_script - Script to interpolate scalp potentials over mesh
 eeg_interp_sph_splineeeg_interp_sph_spline - Spherical Spline Interpolation of Potential
 eeg_interp_sph_spline_ceeg_interp_sph_spline_c - Spherical Spline Coefficients
 eeg_interp_sph_spline_g[Gx] = eeg_interp_sph_spline_g(COS)
 eeg_interp_sph_spline_scdeeg_interp_sph_spline_scd - Spherical Spline Scalp Current Density
 eeg_interp_sph_spline_testeeg_interp_sph_sline_test - script to test eeg_interp_sph_spline
 eeg_lap2scdeeg_lap2scd - scalp current density from Laplacian of scalp potential
 eeg_lap2scd_scripteeg_lap2scd_script - load ERP Laplacian data and convert to SCD
 eeg_lap_hjortheeg_lap_hjorth - 2D Laplacian of Potential at XY
 eeg_lap_sph_splineeeg_interp_sph_spline - Spherical Spline Laplacian of Potential
 eeg_lap_test_scripteeg_lap_test_script - explore the vector calculus of scalp current density.
 eeg_linfiteeg_linfit - returns slope/intercept of linear fit
 eeg_loadeeg_load - Load binary EEG data
 eeg_load_asciieeg_load_ascii - Load ascii EEG data matrix
 eeg_load_data_scripteeg_load_data_script - load ERP data
 eeg_load_difdata_scripteeg_load_difdata_script - Script to load ERP difference waves
 eeg_load_scan3_avgeeg_load_scan3_avg - Read a NeuroScan 3.x AVG File
 eeg_load_scan41eeg_load_scan4_avg - Load a Neuroscan 'scan4.1' average file
 eeg_load_scan4_avgeeg_load_scan4_avg - Load a Neuroscan 'scan4.x' average file
 eeg_load_scan4_cnteeg_load_scan4_cnt - Load a scan4.1+ CNT file
 eeg_load_scan4_cnt_dataeeg_load_scan4_cnt_data - Read Neuroscan 4.x Continuous EEG Data
 eeg_load_scan4_cnt_eventeeg_load_scan4_cnt_event - Read Neuroscan 4.x Continuous EEG Events
 eeg_load_scan_cnteeg_load_scan_cnt - Load continuous NeuroScan data.
 eeg_load_scan_coh_asceeg_load_scan_coh_asc - Read a Scan coherence ascii file (*.dat)
 eeg_load_scan_dateeg_load_scan_dat - Read Neuroscan .dat format
 eeg_load_scan_eegeeg_load_scan_eeg - Load Neuroscan .EEG format
 eeg_openeeg_open - function to handle various eeg_load commands
 eeg_peakseeg_peaks - Find peaks in EEG data
 eeg_ploteeg_plot - create a report style plot of ERP data
 eeg_plot_metriceeg_plot_metric - create TeX plot label (Y is uV, X is msec)
 eeg_plot_surfeeg_plot_surf - Plot a patch surface with voltage colourmap
 eeg_plot_surf_contourseeg_plot_surf_contours - plot 3D contours on triangulated surface
 eeg_region_dif_peaks_scripteeg_region_dif_peaks_script - analyse regional ERP peaks
 eeg_region_peakseeg_region_peaks - Find peaks in regions of electrodes
 eeg_region_peaks_scripteeg_region_peaks_script - analyse regional ERP peaks
 eeg_regresseeg_regress - plot multiple linear regression results
 eeg_save_graphicseeg_save_graphics - Save figure as graphics file
 eeg_scan_freq_parse_scripteeg_scan_freq_parse_script - generate Hz bands of Neuroscan AVG export file
 eeg_toolboxeeg_toolbox - Graphical user interface (GUI) to various EEG/ERP tools
 eeg_toolbox_defaultseeg_toolbox_defaults - Create, read, write eeg_toolbox defaults
 eeg_toolbox_demo_scriptscript to plot an ERP and topographic map
 eeg_toolbox_doc_makeeeg_toolbox_doc_make - script to use m2html to create eeg_toolbox documentation
 eeg_toolbox_patheeg_toolbox_path - locate the eeg_toolbox installation path
 eeg_toolbox_recenteeg_toolbox_recent - Keep track of eeg_toolbox .mat files
 eeg_topo_murks_contoureeg_topo_murks_contour - illustrate isocontours of a surface
 eeg_topo_surface_scripteeg_topo_surface_script - explore surface interpolation/plots of ERP potentials
 eeg_topo_surfacespline_scripteeg_topo_surfacespline_script - explore spline toolbox for topographic mapping
 eeg_uV2Volteeg_uv2volt - Convert microvolts to volts
 eeg_view_cnteeg_view_cnt - Plot scan CNT data
 eeg_writeeeg_write - Write matrix of EEG data into binary file
 eeg_write_asciieeg_write_ascii - Write matrix of EEG data into ascii data format
 eeg_write_brainstormeeg_write_brainstorm - Write EEG data into brainstorm format
 eeg_write_scan41eeg_write_scan41 - Write a Neuroscan 'scan4.1' average file
 eeg_write_scan4_avgeeg_write_scan4_avg - Write a Neuroscan 'scan4.x' average file
 elec_1020all_cartelec_1020all_cart - all 10-20 electrode Cartesian coordinates
 elec_1020selectelec_1020select - select 10-20 locations
 elec_2d_3delec_2d_3d - Project 2D planar Cartesian coordinates into 3D elliptical shape
 elec_3Dspace2brainstormelec_3dspace2brainstorm - Convert NeuroScan 3Dspace ascii to brainstorm file
 elec_3d_2delec_3d_2d - Project Cartesian 3D coordinates to a 2D plane.
 elec_cart2sphelec_cart2sph - Convert Cartesian (X,Y,Z) to spherical (theta,phi,r)
 elec_cm2melec_cm2m - Convert electrode coordinates from centimeters to meters
 elec_coregisterfiducial_coregister - Determine fiducial points coregistration
 elec_cosineselec_cosines - Compute cosine of angle between electrode position vectors
 elec_distanceelec_distance - Calculates spherical interelectrode distances (arc length).
 elec_distance_badelec_distance_bad - identify electrodes that were poorly digitised
 elec_distance_consecelec_distance_consec - Identify distance between nearest neighbour electrodes
 elec_distance_nnelec_distance_nn - Identify distance between nearest neighbour electrodes.
 elec_distance_testscriptelec_distance_testscript - test electrode distance calculations
 elec_ellipse_fitelec_ellipse_fit - Find radii of ellipse and elliptical points for XYZ
 elec_ellipse_fit_optimelec_ellipse_fit_optim - Optimization for elec_ellipse_fit.m
 elec_ellipse_pointselec_ellipse_points - Generate points on an ellipse
 elec_emse2matlabelec_emse2matlab - Read an EMSE probe file (*.elp)
 elec_fit_ellipseelec_fit_ellipse - Find radii of ellipse and elliptical points for XYZ
 elec_fit_ellipse_optimelec_fit_ellipse_optim - Optimization for elec_fit_ellipse.m
 elec_fit_sphereelec_fit_sphere - find radius of sphere and closest spherical points to XYZ
 elec_fit_sphere_optimelec_fit_sphere_optim - Optimization for elec_fit_sphere.m
 elec_loadelec_load - Read ascii electrode file
 elec_load_brainstormelec_load_brainstorm - Load brainstorm Channel data into eeg_toolbox
 elec_load_scan3ddascelec_load_scan_3ddasc - read ascii export of Neuroscan 3DD file
 elec_load_scanTRIELEC_LOAD_SCANTRI - read sensor coordinates from Scan .tri files
 elec_load_scan_3ddascelec_load_scan_3ddasc - read ascii export of Neuroscan 3DD file
 elec_load_scan_trielec_load_scan_tri - read sensor coordinates from Scan .tri files
 elec_load_testscriptelec_load_testscript - test loading and display of electrode data files
 elec_meshplotelec_meshplot - Plot a mesh and points for 3D electrode positions.
 elec_openelec_open - opens electrode data for the eeg_toolbox
 elec_plotelec_plot - plots electrode positions in 3D
 elec_regionselec_regions - Defines a structure of electrode regions
 elec_sph2cartelec_sph2cart - convert spherical to Cartesian coordinates
 elec_sphere_fitelec_sphere_fit - find radius of sphere and closest spherical points to XYZ
 elec_sphere_fit_optimelec_sphere_fit_optim - Optimization for elec_sphere_fit.m
 elec_sphere_pointselec_sphere_points - Generate points on a hemisphere, radius R
 elec_sphere_projectelec_sphere_project - calculates spherical projections of electrode positions
 elec_sphere_refineelec_sphere_refine - creates spherical vertices between input vertices
 elec_write_3dspaceelec_write_3dspace - Write electrode coordinate file (ascii).
 elec_write_brainstormelec_write_brainstorm - Write p.elec.data to brainstorm file
 elec_write_emseelec_write_emse - Write an EMSE probe file (*.elp)
 emse_elec2mriEMSE_ELEC2MRI - Convert point in head frame to mri coordinates
 emse_mri2elecEMSE_MRI2ELEC - Convert mri coordinates to points in head frame
 emse_read_avgemse_read_avg - Load EMSE .avg data (actually ascii format)
 emse_read_elpemse_read_elp - Read an EMSE probe file (*.elp)
 emse_read_regemse_read_reg - Read EMSE/MRVU coregistration matrices
 emse_read_wfremse_read_wfr - read EMSE wireframe (.wfr)
 emse_write_wfremse_write_wfr - write mesh to EMSE wireframe (.wfr)
 erp_openavg_open - function to handle various eeg_load commands
 erp_plotgui_erp_plot - eeg_toolbox plot for ERP data
 extractresults2freesurferLoop over all controls and patients
 fiducial_coregisterfiducial_coregister - Determine fiducial points coregistration
 freesurfer_brain_correctfreesurfer_brain_correct - Correct intersections of brain/pial surfaces
 freesurfer_cor2avwfreesurfer_cor2avw - Read Freesurfer MRI data (COR-001 to COR-256)
 freesurfer_fread3freesurfer_fread3 - read a 3 byte integer out of a file
 freesurfer_fwrite3freesurfer_fwrite3 - FreeSurfer function to write a 3 byte integer to a file
 freesurfer_label2talfreesurfer_label2tal - convert freesurfer label to Talairach coordinates
 freesurfer_meshtypefreesurfer_meshtype - get FreeSurfer mesh type from file name
 freesurfer_plot_curvfreesurfer_plot_curv - create a patch surface colored by curvature
 freesurfer_read_annotationfreesurfer_read_annotation - reads a binary annotation file into a vector
 freesurfer_read_areafreesurfer_read_area - FreeSurfer I/O function to read an area file
 freesurfer_read_asciifreesurfer_read_ascii - Read FreeSurfer tesselation (.txt)
 freesurfer_read_cor_guifreesurfer_read_cor_gui - Load & Display FreeSurfer COR-??? data
 freesurfer_read_curvfreesurfer_read_curv - FreeSurfer I/O function to read a curvature file
 freesurfer_read_labellabel = freesurfer_read_label(, lname)
 freesurfer_read_subjectfreesurfer_read_subject - Call functions to read subject surface data
 freesurfer_read_sulcfreesurfer_read_sulc - FreeSurfer I/O function to read an sulc file
 freesurfer_read_surffreesurfer_read_surf - FreeSurfer I/O function to read a surface file
 freesurfer_read_talxfmfreesurfer_read_talxfm - Read FreeSurfer talairach.xfm file
 freesurfer_read_thicknessfreesurfer_read_thickness - FreeSurfer I/O function to read a thickness file
 freesurfer_read_trifreesurfer_read_tri - Read FreeSurfer tesselation (.tri)
 freesurfer_read_wfilefreesurfer_read_wfile - FreeSurfer I/O function to read an overlay (*.w) file
 freesurfer_surf2ctffreesurfer_surf2ctf - convert a freesurfer surface into CTF shape
 freesurfer_surf2talfreesurfer_surf2tal - convert freesurfer RAS to Talairach coordinates
 freesurfer_surf2voxelsfreesurfer_surf2voxels - convert a surface into MRI voxel coordinates
 freesurfer_surf_combinefreesurfer_surf_combine - combine lh and rh surfaces
 freesurfer_surf_separatefreesurfer_surf_separate - separate left and right hemi-surfaces
 freesurfer_tools_pathfreesurfer_tools_path - locate the freesurfer*.m installation path
 freesurfer_voxels2surffreesurfer_voxels2surf - convert voxel into surface coordinates
 freesurfer_write_curvfreesurfer_write_curv - FreeSurfer I/O function to write a curvature file
 freesurfer_write_labelfreesurfer_write_label(, lname, label)
 freesurfer_write_surffreesurfer_write_surf - FreeSurfer I/O function to write a surface file
 freesurfer_write_wfilefreesurfer_write_wfile - FreeSurfer I/O function to write an overlay (*.w) file
 ge_hdr2avwge_hdr2avw - extract Analyze header from ge struct
 ge_hdr_readge_hdr_read - Reads the header info from a GE LX2 or 5.X file
 ge_series2avwge_series2avw - converts a GE series to Analyze
 ge_series_readge_series_read - reads a volume of images from a GE series
 geomview_read_offgeomview_read_off - Read GeomView .off mesh file format
 getdicomsguiextension=char(input('What extension do you use in your image files?\nPlease type between single quotes (case sensitive)\n'))
 grayishgrayish - gray out the lower end of a spectrum for less severe palette
 gui_avg_opengui_avg_open - Load averaged ERP data into matlab workspace
 gui_avw_opengui_avw_open - Load & Display Analyze 7.5 data
 gui_cnt_opengui_cnt_open - Load a CNT data file into matlab workspace
 gui_eeg_ascii_parametersgui_eeg_ascii_parameters - Define EEG ascii parameters
 gui_eeg_colormapgui_eeg_colormap - display colormaps for eeg_toolbox
 gui_eeg_contour_stepsgui_eeg_contour_steps - GUI for contour steps of topographic maps
 gui_eeg_contoursgui_eeg_contours - GUI controls for topographic mapping of scalp potentials
 gui_eeg_opengui_eeg_open - Load an EEG data file into matlab workspace
 gui_elec_opengui_elec_open - Load an electrode data file into matlab workspace
 gui_erf_opengui_erf_open - Load averaged ERF data into matlab workspace
 gui_erp_opengui_erp_open - Load averaged ERP data into matlab workspace
 gui_erp_plotgui_erp_plot - eeg_toolbox plot for ERP data
 gui_ge_opengui_ge_open - Load & Display MRI data
 gui_mesh_opengui_mesh_open - GUI to mesh_open
 gui_mesh_plotgui_mesh_plot - GUI for plotting meshes
 gui_mesh_saveGUI_MESH_OPEN: Load an emse mesh (wfr) file into matlab workspace
 gui_mesh_writegui_mesh_write - Save a mesh (triangulation) file
 gui_mri_opengui_mri_open - Load & Display an Analyze volume
 gui_topo_animategui_topo_animate - GUI controls for animating topography
 gui_updateparentgui_updateparent - General GUI data handing for EEG Toolbox
 interpolate_cortexINTERPOLATE_CORTEX Interpolate current density from a sparse tesselation to a dense tesselation
 load_AvgNetCDFv5load_AvgNetCDFv5 : reads a set of netMEG files, and returns the good data for the specified stimulus
 mesh_bem_correctmesh_bem_correct - Correct intersections of surfaces
 mesh_bem_shellsmesh_bem_shells - Returns BEM scalp, skull and cortex meshes
 mesh_bem_shells_scriptmesh_bem_shells_script - create bem shells for N subjects
 mesh_bet2matlabmesh_bet2matlab - Read FSL BET tesselation (.coo/.dat)
 mesh_center_massmesh_center_mass - find center of mass for a group of vertices
 mesh_checkmesh_check - Check for mesh data in p struct
 mesh_edgesmesh_edges - Calculate edge lengths of triangulation
 mesh_emse2brainstormmesh_emse2brainstorm - Convert EMSE meshes (.wfr) to brainstorm format
 mesh_emse2mat3dmesh_emse2mat3d - Convert emse vertex/patches to matlab vertices/faces
 mesh_emse2matlabmesh_emse2matlab - Convert EMSE mesh (.wfr) to matlab format
 mesh_face_areamesh_face_area - Calculate face area
 mesh_face_normalsmesh_face_normals - Calculate face surface normals
 mesh_fit_elecmesh_fit_elec - find mesh vertices nearest to electrodes
 mesh_fit_elec_optimmesh_fit_elec_optim - optimise the fitting of electrodes to scalp vertices
 mesh_freesurfer2emsemesh_freesurfer2emse - Convert FreeSurfer tesselation to EMSE
 mesh_freesurfer2matlabmesh_freesurfer2matlab - Read FreeSurfer tesselation (.txt)
 mesh_freesurferTRI2matlabmesh_freesurferTRI2matlab - Read FreeSurfer tesselation (.tri)
 mesh_growmesh_grow - explode vertices of mesh by specific distance
 mesh_laplacianmesh_laplacian - Laplacian of irregular triangular mesh
 mesh_laplacian_interpmesh_laplacian_interp - Computes the zero Laplacian interpolation matrix
 mesh_openmesh_open - calls functions to read a triangulation file
 mesh_plotmesh_plot - plot a mesh from the p structure
 mesh_refinemesh_refine - creates smaller triangles from a triangle mesh
 mesh_refine_tri4mesh_refine_tri4 - creates 4 triangle from each triangle of a mesh
 mesh_refine_tri6mesh_refine_tri6 - creates 6 smaller triangles from a triangle mesh
 mesh_scalp_interpmesh_scalp_interp - Interpolates scalar over scalp mesh from electrodes
 mesh_shrinkmesh_shrink - implode vertices of mesh by specific distance
 mesh_shrinkwrapmesh_shrinkwrap - Tesselate the surface of a 3D volume
 mesh_smoothmesh_smooth - smooth vertices of a mesh
 mesh_vertex_curvatureThis function adapts Smith, S. (2002), Fast robust automated brain
 mesh_vertex_distancemesh_vertex_distance - Calculates spherical intervertex distances (arc length).
 mesh_vertex_nearestmesh_vertex_nearest - find nearest vertices to specified points
 mesh_vertex_neighboursmesh_vertex_neighbours - find all immediate neighbours of a vertex
 mesh_vertex_normalsmesh_vertex_normals - Calculate vertex surface normals
 mesh_vertex_smooth[FV] = mesh_vertex_smooth(FV, index)
 mesh_vertex_smooth_checkmesh_vertex_smooth_check(FV, index)
 mesh_vertex_spacing[FV] = mesh_vertex_spacing(FV)
 mesh_writemesh_write - a switch yard for several mesh writing functions
 mesh_write_brainstormmesh_write_brainstorm - Save eeg toolbox meshes to brainstorm format
 mesh_write_emsemesh_write_emse - Save mesh to EMSE (.wfr) file
 mesh_write_freesurfermesh_write_freesurfer - Save mesh to FreeSurfer (.asc) file
 mesh_write_fs_curvmesh_write_fs_curv - Save mesh CData to FreeSurfer curvature file
 mesh_write_fs_overlaymesh_write_fs_overlay - Save mesh CData to FreeSurfer overlay file
 mesh_write_fs_surfmesh_write_fs_surf - Save mesh to FreeSurfer (.asc) file
 mni2talMNI2TAL - MNI to Talairach coordinates (best guess)
 mni2tal_matrixmni2tal_matrix - Talairach to MNI coordinates (best guess)
 mouse_rotatemouse_rotate - Left click to 3Drotate a matlab figure graphic
 mri_openmri_open - function to call various mri data tools
 mri_scalpmri_scalp - Find the scalp surface of an MRI volume
 mri_scalp_meshMRI_SCALP_MESH: Find the scalp surface of an Analyze volume (avw)
 mri_toolboxmri_toolbox - Graphical user interface (GUI) to various MRI tools
 mri_toolbox_defaultsmri_toolbox_defaults - Create, read, write mri_toolbox defaults
 mri_toolbox_doc_makemri_toolbox_doc_make - script to use m2html to create mri_toolbox documentation
 mri_toolbox_recentmri_toolbox_recent - Keep track of mri_toolbox .mat files
 mri_updateparentmri_updateparent - General GUI data handing for MRI Toolbox
 mriphantomMRIPHANTOM - simulated MRI of a Shepp Logan head phantom
 pifftPIFFT - Homodyne reconstruciton of partial MRI k-space (Spatial Frequency) data
 plot3dPLOT3D - produces an image of a 3D object
 plot_get_linesGet Line Data from Current Figure
 plot_patchPLOT_PATCH - plots a vertex or face and its neighbors
 plots_loaddataplots_loaddata - script to load and plot ERPs
 plots_topographyplots_topography - script to plot ERP topo maps
 plots_waveformsplots_waveforms - script to plot/save ERP waveforms
 progress_barprogress_bar - Display a 'Progress Bar'
 save_epscsave_epsc - Save figure to EPS color file
 save_jpgsave_jpg - Save figure to JPG file
 save_pdfsave_pdf - Save figure to PDF color file
 save_pngsave_png - Save figure to PNG file
 shrinkSHRINK - Removes outer zeros of a matrix.
 siemens_ima_readSIEMENS_IMA_READ - read Siemens .ima data file (*.ima)
 solid_angleBODYANG Body (solid) angle computation.
 source_dipole_scriptsource dipole script
 source_dipole_spheresource_dipole_sphere - calculate surface potential on a sphere containing a dipole
 sphere_projectsphere_project - project point X,Y,Z to the surface of sphere radius r
 sphere_trisphere_tri - generate a triangle mesh approximating a sphere
 sphere_tri_testscriptscript to test the sphere triangulation
 suptitleSUPTITLE Puts a title above all subplots.
 suptitle_withpatchSUPTITLE Puts a title above all subplots.
 tal2mniTAL2MNI - Talairach to MNI coordinates
 tessellation_statsTESSELLATION_STATS - Calculate statistics of the tesselation and hunt for suspicious faces and vertices
 vector_magnitudevector_magnitude - computes the magnitude of a 3D Cartesian vector
 vector_unitvector_unit - computes the unit vector of a 3D Cartesian vector

Other Matlab-specific files in this directory:

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