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avw_write - write Analyze files (*.img & *.hdr)


function avw_write(avw, fileprefix, IMGorient, machine, verbose)


 avw_write - write Analyze files (*.img & *.hdr)
 This function is a wrapper for
 avw_hdr_write and avw_img_write.
 where the input avw is a struct (see avw_read):
 avw.hdr    - a struct with image data parameters.
 avw.img    - a 3D matrix of image data (double precision).
 fileprefix - a string, the filename without the .img
              extension. If empty, may use avw.fileprefix
 IMGorient - optional int; force writing of specified 
             orientation, as follows:
   [],  if empty, will use avw.hdr.hist.orient field
    0,  transverse/axial unflipped (default, radiological)
    1,  coronal unflipped
    2,  sagittal unflipped
    3,  transverse/axial flipped
    4,  coronal flipped
    5,  sagittal flipped
 This function will set avw.hdr.hist.orient and write the 
 image data in a corresponding order.  This function is in
 alpha development, it has not been exhaustively tested 
 (as of 07/2003).
 See the comments and notes throughout avw_hdr_read and 
 avw_img_read for more information and documentation on 
 the Analyze orientation options.  Orientations 3-5 are
 NOT recommended! They are part of the Analyze format, 
 but only used in Analyze for faster raster graphics 
 during movies. (Also see the copy of the Analyze 7.5 
 format pdf in the mri_toolbox doc folder; although 
 the code is largely self sufficient, that pdf is the 
 authoritative description).
 machine - optional string; see machineformat in fread
           for details. The default here is 'ieee-le'.
 verbose - the default is to output processing information to
           the command window.  If verbose = 0, this will not 

 Tip: to change the data type, set avw.hdr.dime.datatype to:
     1    Binary             (  1 bit  per voxel)
     2    Unsigned character (  8 bits per voxel)
     4    Signed short       ( 16 bits per voxel)
     8    Signed integer     ( 32 bits per voxel)
    16    Floating point     ( 32 bits per voxel)
    32    Complex, 2 floats  ( 64 bits per voxel), not supported
    64    Double precision   ( 64 bits per voxel)
   128    Red-Green-Blue     (128 bits per voxel), not supported
 See also: avw_read, avw_hdr_write, avw_img_write
           avw_hdr_read, avw_img_read


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function avw_write(avw, fileprefix, IMGorient, machine, verbose)
0003 % avw_write - write Analyze files (*.img & *.hdr)
0004 %
0005 % This function is a wrapper for
0006 % avw_hdr_write and avw_img_write.
0007 %
0008 % avw_write(avw,fileprefix,[IMGorient],[machine],[verbose])
0009 %
0010 % where the input avw is a struct (see avw_read):
0011 %
0012 % avw.hdr    - a struct with image data parameters.
0013 % avw.img    - a 3D matrix of image data (double precision).
0014 %
0015 % fileprefix - a string, the filename without the .img
0016 %              extension. If empty, may use avw.fileprefix
0017 %
0018 % IMGorient - optional int; force writing of specified
0019 %             orientation, as follows:
0020 %
0021 %   [],  if empty, will use avw.hdr.hist.orient field
0022 %    0,  transverse/axial unflipped (default, radiological)
0023 %    1,  coronal unflipped
0024 %    2,  sagittal unflipped
0025 %    3,  transverse/axial flipped
0026 %    4,  coronal flipped
0027 %    5,  sagittal flipped
0028 %
0029 % This function will set avw.hdr.hist.orient and write the
0030 % image data in a corresponding order.  This function is in
0031 % alpha development, it has not been exhaustively tested
0032 % (as of 07/2003).
0033 %
0034 % See the comments and notes throughout avw_hdr_read and
0035 % avw_img_read for more information and documentation on
0036 % the Analyze orientation options.  Orientations 3-5 are
0037 % NOT recommended! They are part of the Analyze format,
0038 % but only used in Analyze for faster raster graphics
0039 % during movies. (Also see the copy of the Analyze 7.5
0040 % format pdf in the mri_toolbox doc folder; although
0041 % the code is largely self sufficient, that pdf is the
0042 % authoritative description).
0043 %
0044 % machine - optional string; see machineformat in fread
0045 %           for details. The default here is 'ieee-le'.
0046 %
0047 % verbose - the default is to output processing information to
0048 %           the command window.  If verbose = 0, this will not
0049 %           happen.
0050 %
0051 % Tip: to change the data type, set avw.hdr.dime.datatype to:
0052 %
0053 %     1    Binary             (  1 bit  per voxel)
0054 %     2    Unsigned character (  8 bits per voxel)
0055 %     4    Signed short       ( 16 bits per voxel)
0056 %     8    Signed integer     ( 32 bits per voxel)
0057 %    16    Floating point     ( 32 bits per voxel)
0058 %    32    Complex, 2 floats  ( 64 bits per voxel), not supported
0059 %    64    Double precision   ( 64 bits per voxel)
0060 %   128    Red-Green-Blue     (128 bits per voxel), not supported
0061 %
0062 % See also: avw_read, avw_hdr_write, avw_img_write
0063 %           avw_hdr_read, avw_img_read
0064 %           avw_view
0065 %
0067 % $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/11/12 01:30:25 $
0069 % Licence:  GNU GPL, no express or implied warranties
0070 % History:  05/2002, Darren.Weber@flinders.edu.au
0071 %                    The Analyze 7.5 format is copyright
0072 %                    (c) Copyright, 1986-1995
0073 %                    Biomedical Imaging Resource, Mayo Foundation
0074 %                    This code attempts to respect the integrity of
0075 %                    the format, although no guarantee is given that
0076 %                    it has been exhaustively tested for compatibility
0077 %                    with Analyze software (it should be though).
0078 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0081 %------------------------------------------------------------------------
0082 % Check inputs
0084 if ~exist('avw','var'),
0085     doc avw_write;
0086     msg = sprintf('\n...no input avw.\n');
0087     error(msg);
0088 elseif isempty(avw),
0089     msg = sprintf('\n...empty input avw.\n');
0090     error(msg);
0091 elseif ~isfield(avw,'img'),
0092     msg = sprintf('\n...empty input avw.img\n');
0093     error(msg);
0094 end
0096 if ~exist('fileprefix','var'),
0097     if isfield(avw,'fileprefix'),
0098         if ~isempty(avw.fileprefix),
0099             fileprefix = avw.fileprefix;
0100         else
0101             fileprefix = [];
0102         end
0103     else
0104         fileprefix = [];
0105     end
0106 end
0107 if isempty(fileprefix),
0108     [fileprefix, pathname, filterindex] = uiputfile('*.hdr','Specify an output Analyze .hdr file');
0109     if pathname, cd(pathname); end
0110     if ~fileprefix,
0111         doc avw_write;
0112         error('no output .hdr file specified');
0113     end
0114 end
0116 if findstr('.hdr',fileprefix),
0117 %    fprintf('AVW_WRITE: Removing .hdr extension from ''%s''\n',fileprefix);
0118     fileprefix = strrep(fileprefix,'.hdr','');
0119 end
0120 if findstr('.img',fileprefix),
0121 %    fprintf('AVW_WRITE: Removing .img extension from ''%s''\n',fileprefix);
0122     fileprefix = strrep(fileprefix,'.img','');
0123 end
0125 if ~exist('IMGorient','var'), IMGorient = ''; end
0126 if ~exist('machine','var'), machine = 'ieee-le'; end
0127 if ~exist('verbose','var'), verbose = 1; end
0129 if isempty(IMGorient), IMGorient = ''; end
0130 if isempty(machine), machine = 'ieee-le'; end
0131 if isempty(verbose), verbose = 1; end
0134 %------------------------------------------------------------------------
0135 % MAIN
0137 version = '[$Revision: 1.1 $]';
0139 avw_img_write(avw,fileprefix,IMGorient,machine,verbose);
0141 % MUST write header after the image, to ensure any
0142 % orientation changes during image write are saved
0143 % in the header.  The header is saved by avw_img_write, so it's
0144 % not necessary to call it here.  If it were called here, it
0145 % would be called as such:
0146 % avw_hdr_write(avw,fileprefix,machine,verbose);
0148 return

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