eeg_plot - create a report style plot of ERP data Usage: eeg_plot(time,erp,scale,interval,width,titles) time - an Mx1 column vector of times (in msec) for each row of erp erp - an MxN matrix, M rows of time points, N channels scale - a 1x4 row vector = [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax], the defaults are: min(time), max(time) -/+ max(max(abs(erp))) interval - a 1x2 row vector = [xint, yint], to specify the x,y tick mark intervals (defaults are 100 msec and 1 uV) width - 1 = journal page width (default, 15.8 cm) 0 = journal column width (7.4 cm) plot height is (2/3) * width titles - a text struct with (default) fields: titles.title - figure title ('') titles.xlabel - x label ('msec') titles.xalign - text alignment ('center') titles.xxpos - position of x label relative to x axis ([]) titles.xypos - position of x label relative to y axis ([]) titles.ylabel - y label ('\muV', tex for uV) titles.yalign - text alignment ('center') titles.yypos - position of y label relative to y axis ([]) titles.yxpos - position of y label relative to x axis ([]) The figure may appear small on screen, but it is formatted to print in either the width of a journal page (15.8 cm) or the width of a journal column (7.5 cm). To adjust it to your preferred dimensions, hack the code, which is well documented. If you want different colours or all black lines, hack the code at the plot command. Alternatively, use a graphics package to convert specific colours or convert all colours to greyscale.
0001 function Fig = eeg_plot(time,erp,scale,interval,width,titles) 0002 0003 % eeg_plot - create a report style plot of ERP data 0004 % 0005 % Usage: eeg_plot(time,erp,scale,interval,width,titles) 0006 % 0007 % time - an Mx1 column vector of times (in msec) for each row of erp 0008 % 0009 % erp - an MxN matrix, M rows of time points, N channels 0010 % 0011 % scale - a 1x4 row vector = [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax], the 0012 % defaults are: min(time), max(time) 0013 % -/+ max(max(abs(erp))) 0014 % 0015 % interval - a 1x2 row vector = [xint, yint], to specify the 0016 % x,y tick mark intervals (defaults are 100 msec and 1 uV) 0017 % 0018 % width - 1 = journal page width (default, 15.8 cm) 0019 % 0 = journal column width (7.4 cm) 0020 % 0021 % plot height is (2/3) * width 0022 % 0023 % titles - a text struct with (default) fields: 0024 % 0025 % titles.title - figure title ('') 0026 % titles.xlabel - x label ('msec') 0027 % titles.xalign - text alignment ('center') 0028 % titles.xxpos - position of x label relative to x axis ([]) 0029 % titles.xypos - position of x label relative to y axis ([]) 0030 % titles.ylabel - y label ('\muV', tex for uV) 0031 % titles.yalign - text alignment ('center') 0032 % titles.yypos - position of y label relative to y axis ([]) 0033 % titles.yxpos - position of y label relative to x axis ([]) 0034 % 0035 % The figure may appear small on screen, but it is formatted to 0036 % print in either the width of a journal page (15.8 cm) or the 0037 % width of a journal column (7.5 cm). 0038 % To adjust it to your preferred dimensions, hack the code, which is 0039 % well documented. If you want different colours or all black lines, 0040 % hack the code at the plot command. Alternatively, use 0041 % a graphics package to convert specific colours or convert all 0042 % colours to greyscale. 0043 % 0044 0045 % $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2005/05/23 21:25:52 $ 0046 0047 % Licence: GNU GPL, no express or implied warranties 0048 % History: 07/2000, 0049 % Adapted from (c) Drea Thomas, June 1995 0050 % MathWorks newsletter 0051 % 0052 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0053 0054 % Requirements: 0055 % Grids 0056 % Legend on top of diagram 0057 0058 if ~exist('interval','var'), interval = []; end 0059 0060 0061 0062 % ----- Set the figure dimensions and scaling ----- 0063 0064 if ~exist('width','var'), 0065 % Width of a journal page = 15.8 cm 0066 width = 15.8; 0067 fontsize = 8; 0068 ylabeloffset = 0.1; 0069 elseif isempty(width), 0070 % Width of a journal page = 15.8 cm 0071 width = 15.8; 0072 fontsize = 8; 0073 ylabeloffset = 0.1; 0074 elseif width, 0075 % Width of a journal page = 15.8 cm 0076 width = 15.8; 0077 fontsize = 8; 0078 ylabeloffset = 0.1; 0079 else 0080 % Width of a journal column = 7.4 cm 0081 width = 7.4; 0082 fontsize = 6; 0083 ylabeloffset = 0.1; 0084 end 0085 0086 height = (2/3) * width; 0087 0088 % If you want to control exactly how a plot is going to look on paper, 0089 % it is a good idea to WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) the figure 0090 % window. That is, set the figure window 'Units' property to physical 0091 % units, and set the figure window size the same as the 'PaperPosition' 0092 % size. For our case, 0093 Fig = figure; 0094 set(Fig,'PaperUnits','centimeters','PaperPosition',[1 1 width height]) 0095 set(Fig,'Units','centimeters','position',get(Fig,'PaperPosition')) 0096 movegui(Fig,'center'); 0097 % Note that the lower left-hand corner of the graph is offset by 1 cm 0098 % in X and Y because most printers can't physically print to the edge of 0099 % a piece of paper. If you specified a [0 0] offset, the plot would be 0100 % cut off. 0101 0102 0103 0104 % ----- Set default fonts ----- 0105 0106 % Journals require a letter size no smaller than approx. 2 mm after 0107 % reduction of the figure. 0108 % Font sizes are usually measured in points. Since there are about 0109 % 2.8 points per mm, the minimum fontsize should be 6 or 7. Let's 0110 % set the default fontsize for the figure window to 8. 0111 set(Fig,'DefaultAxesFontSize',fontsize) 0112 set(Fig,'DefaultAxesFontName','Arial') 0113 % See Drea's Desk, April 1994 for a discussion of default properties 0114 % ( 0115 0116 0117 0118 % ----- plot the data ----- 0119 0120 %plot(time,erp,'k'); % black lines 0121 0122 if size(erp,2) == 1, 0123 plot(time,erp(:,1),'r-', 'linewidth',1.0); 0124 elseif size(erp,2) == 2, 0125 plot(time,erp(:,1),'r-', 'linewidth',1.0); hold on; 0126 plot(time,erp(:,2),'b--','linewidth',0.8); 0127 else 0128 plot(time,erp,'linewidth',0.8); % msec 0129 %plot(time./1000,erp,'linewidth',0.5); % convert to sec 0130 end 0131 0132 0133 0134 % ----- Set the axis properties ----- 0135 0136 make_scale = 0; 0137 if ~exist('scale','var'), make_scale = 1; end 0138 if isempty(scale), make_scale = 1; end 0139 if make_scale, 0140 %xmin = min(time) / 1000; % convert to sec 0141 %xmax = max(time) / 1000; 0142 0143 xmin = min(time); % msec 0144 xmax = max(time); 0145 0146 elecmax = max(abs(erp)); 0147 ymax = max(elecmax); 0148 ymin = -1 * ymax; 0149 0150 scale = [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]; 0151 else 0152 xmin = scale(1); 0153 xmax = scale(2); 0154 ymin = scale(3); 0155 ymax = scale(4); 0156 end 0157 if ~exist('interval','var'), 0158 interval(1) = 100; % msec 0159 interval(2) = (ymax - ymin) / 10; 0160 %interval = [0.1 1]; % sec 0161 end 0162 0163 axis(scale); 0164 0165 Ax = gca; 0166 set(Ax,'YDir','reverse'); 0167 set(Ax,'Box','off'); 0168 0169 set(Ax,'XGrid','on'); 0170 if ~isempty(interval), 0171 set(Ax,'XTickLabelMode','manual'); 0172 set(Ax,'XTickMode','manual'); 0173 set(Ax,'XTick', [xmin:interval(1):xmax]); 0174 set(Ax,'XTickLabel',[xmin:interval(1):xmax]); 0175 end 0176 set(Ax,'YGrid','on'); 0177 if ~isempty(interval), 0178 set(Ax,'YTickLabelMode','manual'); 0179 set(Ax,'YTickMode','manual'); 0180 set(Ax,'YTick' ,[ymin:interval(2):ymax]); 0181 set(Ax,'YTickLabel',[ymin:interval(2):ymax]); 0182 end 0183 0184 0185 % ----- Reposition the axis ----- 0186 0187 % The default axis size is too large (the labels get cut off). 0188 % Hence, modify the size and location of the axis within the 0189 % figure window, 0190 pos = get(Ax,'position'); % This is in normalized coordinates 0191 pos(1) = pos(1)+.01; % Shift axes left by a factor of .01 0192 pos(2) = pos(2)+.02; % Shift axes up by a factor of .02 0193 pos(3) = pos(3) + pos(3)*.05; % Stretch x axis by a factor of .05 0194 set(Ax,'position',pos); 0195 0196 0197 0198 % ----- Add titles ----- 0199 0200 make_title = 0; 0201 if ~exist('titles','var'), make_title = 1; end 0202 if isempty(titles), make_title = 1; end 0203 if make_title, 0204 titles.title = ''; 0205 titles.xlabel = 'msec'; 0206 titles.xalign = 'center'; 0207 titles.xxpos = []; 0208 titles.xypos = []; 0209 titles.ylabel = '\muV'; 0210 titles.yalign = 'center'; 0211 titles.yrot = 0; 0212 titles.yypos = []; 0213 titles.yxpos = []; 0214 end 0215 0216 if ~isfield(titles,'title'), titles.title = ''; end 0217 if ~isfield(titles,'xlabel'), titles.xlabel = 'msec'; end 0218 if ~isfield(titles,'xalign'), titles.xalign = 'center'; end 0219 if ~isfield(titles,'xxpos'), titles.xxpos = []; end 0220 if ~isfield(titles,'xypos'), titles.xypos = []; end 0221 0222 if ~isfield(titles,'ylabel'), titles.ylabel = '\muV'; end 0223 if ~isfield(titles,'yalign'), titles.yalign = 'center'; end 0224 if ~isfield(titles,'yrot'), titles.yrot = 0; end 0225 if ~isfield(titles,'yypos'), titles.yypos = []; end 0226 if ~isfield(titles,'yxpos'), titles.yxpos = []; end 0227 0228 title(titles.title); 0229 Hx = xlabel(titles.xlabel,'Rotation',0,'HorizontalAlignment',titles.xalign); 0230 Hy = ylabel(titles.ylabel,'Rotation',titles.yrot,'HorizontalAlignment',titles.yalign); 0231 Yextent = get(Hy,'extent'); 0232 % Yextent is the position and size of text. A four-element read-only 0233 % vector that defines the size and position of the text string. 0234 % [left,bottom,width,height] 0235 % If the Units property is set to data (the default), left and bottom 0236 % are the x and y coordinates of the lower-left corner of the text 0237 % Extent rectangle. For all other values of Units, left and bottom 0238 % are the distance from the lower-left corner of the axes position 0239 % rectangle to the lower-left corner of the text Extent rectangle. 0240 % width and height are the dimensions of the Extent rectangle. All 0241 % measurements are in units specified by the Units property. 0242 if titles.xxpos, 0243 xxoffset = titles.xxpos; 0244 else 0245 pos = get(Hx,'Position'); 0246 xxoffset = pos(1); 0247 end 0248 if titles.xypos, 0249 xyoffset = titles.xypos; 0250 else 0251 pos = get(Hx,'Position'); 0252 xyoffset = pos(2); 0253 end 0254 set(Hx,'Position',[xxoffset xyoffset]); 0255 0256 if titles.yypos, yyoffset = titles.yypos; 0257 else yyoffset = Yextent(4) / 4; 0258 end 0259 if titles.yxpos, yxoffset = titles.yxpos; 0260 else 0261 pos = get(Hy,'Position'); 0262 yxoffset = pos(1) + ( pos(1) * 0.1 ); 0263 end 0264 set(Hy,'Position',[yxoffset yyoffset]); 0265 0266 0267 0268 % ----- Now for the legend ----- 0269 0270 % h = legend('Sin','Cos'); 0271 % axes(h); 0272 % refresh; 0273 0274 % Legend is an axis. Unless it is the current axes, it is 0275 % drawn "behind" the other axis (i.e., your plot). So, just 0276 % before you print, make it the current axis and it will 0277 % appear "on top" (you wouldn't want to always make it the 0278 % current axis because then the next PLOT command would go 0279 % into the legend).