Home > bioelectromagnetism > mesh_vertex_distance.m



mesh_vertex_distance - Calculates spherical intervertex distances (arc length).


function [distances] = mesh_vertex_distance(vertices)


 mesh_vertex_distance - Calculates spherical intervertex distances (arc length).

 Usage: [distances] = mesh_vertex_distance(vertices)

 Notes:    vertices is an Nx3 matrix of rectangular Cartesian coordinates
           with a centroid at (0,0,0).  If the centroid is elsewhere, all
           vertex points are internally shifted to adjust the centroid 
           because the arc length method employed assumes a 
           centroid at (0,0,0).
           Sphere radius is estimated by the average radius from
           (xo,yo,zo) to any 2 pairs of vertices.  It will vary
           from one pair to another, but this method works well for
           small theta (eg, nearest neighbours).
           Returns a matrix for paired electrode arc length estimates.
           The matrix is a full matrix, but the upper triange is zeros.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [distances] = mesh_vertex_distance(vertices)
0003 % mesh_vertex_distance - Calculates spherical intervertex distances (arc length).
0004 %
0005 % Usage: [distances] = mesh_vertex_distance(vertices)
0006 %
0007 % Notes:    vertices is an Nx3 matrix of rectangular Cartesian coordinates
0008 %           with a centroid at (0,0,0).  If the centroid is elsewhere, all
0009 %           vertex points are internally shifted to adjust the centroid
0010 %           because the arc length method employed assumes a
0011 %           centroid at (0,0,0).
0012 %
0013 %           Sphere radius is estimated by the average radius from
0014 %           (xo,yo,zo) to any 2 pairs of vertices.  It will vary
0015 %           from one pair to another, but this method works well for
0016 %           small theta (eg, nearest neighbours).
0017 %
0018 %           Returns a matrix for paired electrode arc length estimates.
0019 %           The matrix is a full matrix, but the upper triange is zeros.
0020 %
0022 % $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/11/12 01:32:35 $
0024 % Author:   Darren.Weber_at_radiology.ucsf.edu
0025 % Created:  18/05/00 - linear distance
0026 % Modified: 24/06/01 - spherical arc length (should be OK for small theta
0027 %                      but for large theta, elliptical arc length may be
0028 %                      preferable).
0029 %
0030 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0032 fprintf('%s\n', 'Calculating inter-vertex spherical arc length.');
0034 % check centroid, unless input parameters defined
0035 mean = mean(vertices);
0036 xo = mean(1);
0037 yo = mean(2);
0038 zo = mean(3);
0040 % define vertices A,B, given centroid (xo,yo,zo)
0041 A = [ (vertices(:,1)-xo) (vertices(:,2)-yo) (vertices(:,3)-zo) ];
0043 A_len = sqrt( sum(A.^2,2) );   % length of vertex vector A
0045 % Initialise distances matrix
0046 distances = zeros(length(vertices));
0048 progress_bar('init');
0049 for a=1:length(vertices),
0051     progress = a / length(vertices);
0052     progress_bar('set',progress);
0054     Aa = A(a,:);
0055     Al = A_len(a);  % length of vertex vector Aa
0057     r = (Al + A_len(a:end))/2;  % estimate sphere radius from Al and B_len
0058     dotAB = zeros(length(A)-a,1);
0059     for i=a:length(A), dotAB(i-(a-1),1) = dot(Aa,A(i,:)); end
0060     theta = acos( dotAB ./ (Al * A_len(a:end)) );
0061     arc_len = r .* theta;  % arc length = radius * theta
0062     distances(a:length(A),a) = arc_len;
0064     %for b=a:length(vertices),
0065     %    Bb = A(b,:);
0066     %    Bl = A_len(b); % length of vertex vector Bb
0067     %    if( Aa == Bb ),
0068     %        arc_len = 0;  % no distance from vertex to itself
0069     %    else
0070     %        r = (Al + Bl)/2;  % estimate sphere radius from A_len and B_len
0071     %        theta = acos( dot(Aa,Bb) / (Al * Bl) );  % Angle between A & B, in radians
0072     %        arc_len = r * theta;  % arc length = radius * theta
0073     %    end
0074     %    distances(a,b) = arc_len;
0075     %end
0076 end
0077 distances = real(distances);
0079 progress_bar('clear');
0081 return

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