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elec_load_scan_tri - read sensor coordinates from Scan .tri files


function [tri] = elec_load_scan_tri(file)


 elec_load_scan_tri - read sensor coordinates from Scan .tri files
     file  - string, name of the .tri file
     tri.hdr   - header and electrode fields
     tri.XYZ   - electrode coordinates (tri.hdr.elec)
     tri.label - first 4 letters of electrode names
 Also check small script at the end of the code to print
 out coordinates together with names (a fast hack)
 Information on Neuroscan .tri format is at
 http://www.neuro.com/neuroscan/triformat.htm, which
 is copied at the end of this function .m file
 .tri faces and vertices are not returned in this version


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [tri] = elec_load_scan_tri(file)
0003 % elec_load_scan_tri - read sensor coordinates from Scan .tri files
0004 %
0005 % INPUTS:
0006 %     file  - string, name of the .tri file
0007 % OUTPUTS:
0008 %     tri.hdr   - header and electrode fields
0009 %     tri.XYZ   - electrode coordinates (tri.hdr.elec)
0010 %     tri.label - first 4 letters of electrode names
0011 %
0012 % Also check small script at the end of the code to print
0013 % out coordinates together with names (a fast hack)
0014 %
0015 % Information on Neuroscan .tri format is at
0016 % http://www.neuro.com/neuroscan/triformat.htm, which
0017 % is copied at the end of this function .m file
0018 %
0019 % .tri faces and vertices are not returned in this version
0020 %
0022 % $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/11/12 01:32:33 $
0024 % Licence: GNU GPL, no express or implied warranties
0025 % History: 10/2002, Yaroslav Halchenko, CS Dept. UNM
0026 %                   (yoh@onerussian.com, ICQ#: 60653192)
0027 %          01/2003, Darren.Weber_at_radiology.ucsf.edu
0028 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0030 fid = fopen(file,'r');
0032 if isequal(fid,-1),
0033     msg = sprintf('Could not open file: "%s"',file);
0034     error(msg);
0035 else
0037     fprintf('...Reading NeuroScan Tesselation (.tri)');
0039     tri.hdr.ID       = fread(fid,1,'long');     % Long ID (should be 100003, or 100004. (or 100002) )
0040     tri.hdr.filetype = fread(fid,1,'short');    % Short Filetype (=2 for triangle file)
0041     tri.hdr.rev      = fread(fid,1,'short');    % short revision
0042     tri.hdr.elthick  = fread(fid,1,'float');    % float electrodethickness
0043     tri.hdr.eldiam   = fread(fid,1,'float');    % float electrodediameter
0044     tri.hdr.reserved = fread(fid, 4080,'char'); % BYTE reserved[4080]
0046     % Then the face and vertex information follows:
0048     tri.hdr.Nfaces     = fread(fid,1,'short');
0049     tri.hdr.Nvertices  = fread(fid,1,'short');
0051     % Then for all the faces,
0052     % the centroid (centre of face) x,y,z coordinates (unit vector)
0053     % and it's length are writen as four floats
0054     centroid = fread(fid,4* tri.hdr.Nfaces,'float');
0055 %     tri.centroid = reshape(centroid,tri.hdr.Nfaces,4);
0057     % Then follows the vertex coordinates,
0058     % x, y, z, (normalized) and it's length
0059     vertices = fread(fid,4* tri.hdr.Nvertices,'float');
0061 %     vertices = reshape(vertices,tri.hdr.Nvertices,4);
0062 %     tri.vert = zeros(tri.hdr.Nvertices,3);
0063 %     tri.vert(:,1) = vertices(:,1) .* vertices(:,4);
0064 %     tri.vert(:,2) = vertices(:,2) .* vertices(:,4);
0065 %     tri.vert(:,3) = vertices(:,3) .* vertices(:,4);
0067     % Then for all the faces, the three vertices that belong to them
0068     faces = fread(fid,3* tri.hdr.Nfaces,'short');
0069 %     tri.faces = reshape(faces,tri.hdr.Nfaces,3) + 1;  % add 1 for matlab
0071     %Then the number of electrodes follows
0072     tri.hdr.Nelectrodes = fread(fid,1,'ushort');
0074     % Then for all electrodes
0075     for e = 1:tri.hdr.Nelectrodes,
0076         tri.hdr.elec(e).label = fread(fid,10,'char')'; % label of electrode, max 9 chars + \0
0077         tri.hdr.elec(e).key   = fread(fid,1,'short');  % key, normally = 'e' for electrode
0078         tri.hdr.elec(e).pos   = fread(fid,3,'float')'; % x, y, z (position)
0079         tri.hdr.elec(e).index = fread(fid,1,'ushort'); % electrode index number
0080     end
0082     fclose(fid);
0084     tmp = char(tri.hdr.elec(:).label);
0085     tri.label = tmp(:,1:4);
0087     tri.XYZ = reshape([tri.hdr.elec(:).pos],3,tri.hdr.Nelectrodes)';
0089 %     tri.XYZ = zeros(e,3);
0090 %     for e = 1:tri.hdr.Nelectrodes
0091 %         tri.XYZ(e,1:3) = tri.hdr.elec(e).pos;
0092 %     end
0094 end
0096 return;
0099 %----------------------------------------------------------------
0101 fout = fopen('XYZ.locs','w');
0102 for e = 1:tri.hdr.Nelectrodes,
0103     nop = 0;
0104     for z=1:10,
0105         if (tri.hdr.elec(e).label(z)==0), nop=1; end
0106         if (~nop),
0107             fprintf(fout,'%c',tri.hdr.elec(e).label(z));
0108         else
0109             fprintf(fout,' ');
0110         end
0111     end
0113     fprintf(fout, '%8.3f ',  tri.hdr.elec(e).pos);
0114     fprintf(fout, '\n');
0115 end
0116 fclose(fout);
0118 return
0120 % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0123 %  3D Space TRI file format
0124 %
0125 % Below you will find the description of the TRI
0126 % file format as used in the 3D Space program. The
0127 % TRI file contains the description of a triangulated
0128 % head surface. The description uses C/C++ variables
0129 % to describe elements.
0130 %
0131 %
0132 % --------------------------------------------------------
0133 %
0134 % Each file starts with a header, which looks like this:
0135 %
0136 % Long ID (should be 100003, or 100004. (or 100002) )
0137 % Short Filetype (=2 for triangle file)
0138 % short revision
0139 % float electrodethickness
0140 % float electrodediameter
0141 % BYTE reserved[4080]
0142 %
0143 % Then the facet and vertex information follows:
0144 %
0145 % short number_of_facets
0146 % short number_of_vertices
0147 %
0148 % Then for all the facets give by number_of_facets:
0149 %
0150 % the centroid (centre of facet) x,y,z coordinates
0151 % (unit vector) and it's length are writen as four floats.
0152 %
0153 % Then follows the facet vertex coordinates for all
0154 % vertices (given by number_of_vertices):
0155 %
0156 % four floats: x, y, z, (normalized) and it's length
0157 %
0158 % Then for all the facets (give by number_of_facets):
0159 %
0160 % the three vertices that belong to this facet. These
0161 % are three shorts, and are index values to the proper
0162 % vertice as listed above. (largest number is given by
0163 % number_of_vertices).
0164 %
0165 % Then the number of electrodes follows:
0166 %
0167 % (unsigned short) number_of_electrodes
0168 %
0169 % Then for all electrodes (given by number_of_electrodes):
0170 %
0171 % char label[10] (label of electrode, max 9 chars + \0)
0172 % short key (normally = 'e' for electrode)
0173 % float x, y, z (position)
0174 % unsigned short ix (electrode index number)
0175 %

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