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mesh_laplacian - Laplacian of irregular triangular mesh


function [lap,edge] = mesh_laplacian(vertex,face)


 mesh_laplacian - Laplacian of irregular triangular mesh

 Usage: [lap,edge] = mesh_laplacian(vertex,face)

 Returns 'lap', the Laplacian (2nd spatial derivative) of an 
 irregular triangular mesh, and 'edge', the linear distances
 between vertices of 'face'.  'lap' and 'edge' are square,
 [Nvertices,Nvertices] in size, sparse in nature.
 It is assumed that 'vertex' contains the (x,y,z) Cartesian
 coordinates of each vertex and that 'face' contains the
 triangulation of vertex with indices into 'vertex' that 
 are numbered from 1:Nvertices.  For information about
 triangulation, see 'help convhull' or 'help convhulln'.
 The neighbouring vertices of vertex 'i' is given by:
 k = find(edge(i,:));
 The math of this routine is given by:
 Oostendorp, Oosterom & Huiskamp (1989),
 Interpolation on a triangulated 3D surface.
 Journal of Computational Physics, 80: 331-343.
 See also, eeg_interp_scalp_mesh


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [lap,edge] = mesh_laplacian(vertex,face)
0003 % mesh_laplacian - Laplacian of irregular triangular mesh
0004 %
0005 % Usage: [lap,edge] = mesh_laplacian(vertex,face)
0006 %
0007 % Returns 'lap', the Laplacian (2nd spatial derivative) of an
0008 % irregular triangular mesh, and 'edge', the linear distances
0009 % between vertices of 'face'.  'lap' and 'edge' are square,
0010 % [Nvertices,Nvertices] in size, sparse in nature.
0011 %
0012 % It is assumed that 'vertex' contains the (x,y,z) Cartesian
0013 % coordinates of each vertex and that 'face' contains the
0014 % triangulation of vertex with indices into 'vertex' that
0015 % are numbered from 1:Nvertices.  For information about
0016 % triangulation, see 'help convhull' or 'help convhulln'.
0017 %
0018 % The neighbouring vertices of vertex 'i' is given by:
0019 %
0020 % k = find(edge(i,:));
0021 %
0022 % The math of this routine is given by:
0023 %
0024 % Oostendorp, Oosterom & Huiskamp (1989),
0025 % Interpolation on a triangulated 3D surface.
0026 % Journal of Computational Physics, 80: 331-343.
0027 %
0028 % See also, eeg_interp_scalp_mesh
0029 %
0031 % $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2005/08/14 21:25:08 $
0033 % Licence:  GNU GPL, no implied or express warranties
0034 % History:  04/2002, Darren.Weber_at_radiology.ucsf.edu
0035 %           - initial version was inefficient and incorrect
0036 %             at one point.
0037 %           (c) 04/2002 Robert Oostenveld
0038 %           - completely revised/reconstructed code (lapcal.m)
0039 %           - agreed to release into eeg_toolbox under GNU GPL
0040 %           04/2002, Darren.Weber_at_radiology.ucsf.edu
0041 %           - modified edge initialization from sparse to
0042 %             full matrix and slightly improved speed of
0043 %             calculation for edge norms
0044 %           - added tic/toc timing report
0045 %           07/2002, Darren.Weber_at_radiology.ucsf.edu
0046 %           - added check for duplicate vertices (lines 78-79)
0047 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0049 nvertex = size(vertex,1);
0050 nface = size(face,1);
0052 fprintf('MESH_LAPLACIAN: Calc Laplacian matrix for %5d vertices...',nvertex);
0053 tic
0055 % the matrix 'edge' is the connectivity of all vertices
0056 edge = sparse(nvertex,nvertex);
0057 for i=1:nface,
0059     % compute the length of all triangle edges (Diff is [3x3])
0060     Diff = [vertex(face(i,[1 2 3]),:) - vertex(face(i,[2 3 1]),:)];
0061     Norm = sqrt( sum(Diff.^2, 2) );
0063     edge(face(i,1),face(i,2)) = Norm(1);
0064     edge(face(i,2),face(i,3)) = Norm(2);
0065     edge(face(i,3),face(i,1)) = Norm(3);
0067     % make sure that all edges are symmetric
0068     edge(face(i,2),face(i,1)) = Norm(1);
0069     edge(face(i,3),face(i,2)) = Norm(2);
0070     edge(face(i,1),face(i,3)) = Norm(3);
0071 end
0073 % Using edge to identify nearest vertices, calculate
0074 % the Laplacian for an irregular mesh
0075 lap = sparse(nvertex,nvertex);
0076 for i=1:nvertex,
0078     k = find(edge(i,:));        % the indices of the neighbours
0080     % remove any duplicate neighbour vertices
0081     [vert, m, n] = unique(vertex(k,:),'rows');
0082     k = k(m);
0084     ni = length(k);             % the number of neighbours
0086     hi = mean(edge(i,k));       % the average distance to the neighbours
0087     invhi = mean(1./edge(i,k)); % the average inverse distance to the neighbours
0089     lap(i,i) = -(4/hi) * invhi; % Laplacian of vertex itself
0091     lap(i,k) =  (4/(hi*ni)) * 1./edge(i,k); % Laplacian of direct neighbours
0093     % Laplacian is zero for all indirect neighbours
0094     % See Oostendorp, Oosterom & Huiskamp (1989, pp. 334-335)
0095 end
0097 t = toc;
0098 fprintf('done (%6.2f sec).\n',t);
0100 return

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