Home > bioelectromagnetism > freesurfer_read_talxfm.m



freesurfer_read_talxfm - Read FreeSurfer talairach.xfm file


function [TalairachXFM] = freesurfer_read_talxfm(file)


 freesurfer_read_talxfm - Read FreeSurfer talairach.xfm file
 [TalairachXFM] = freesurfer_read_talxfm(file)
 This function will read an ascii file that contains the talairach
 transformation matrix for a FreeSurfer MRI volume.  These files are
 located in <subject>/mri/transforms/talairach.xfm

 The transformation matrix is based on an affine coregistration of the
 FreeSurfer MRI volume with the MNI template volume.  To use the
 TalairachXFM with a surface file, see freesurfer_surf2tal or just
 consider the following:

 Lets assume the surface RAS coordinates are in a vector,
 v = [R A S 1]', and the talairach.xfm matrix is X, then MNI Talairach 
 coordinates are:

 vMNI = X * v;


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [TalairachXFM] = freesurfer_read_talxfm(file)
0003 % freesurfer_read_talxfm - Read FreeSurfer talairach.xfm file
0004 %
0005 % [TalairachXFM] = freesurfer_read_talxfm(file)
0006 %
0007 % This function will read an ascii file that contains the talairach
0008 % transformation matrix for a FreeSurfer MRI volume.  These files are
0009 % located in <subject>/mri/transforms/talairach.xfm
0010 %
0011 % The transformation matrix is based on an affine coregistration of the
0012 % FreeSurfer MRI volume with the MNI template volume.  To use the
0013 % TalairachXFM with a surface file, see freesurfer_surf2tal or just
0014 % consider the following:
0015 %
0016 % Lets assume the surface RAS coordinates are in a vector,
0017 % v = [R A S 1]', and the talairach.xfm matrix is X, then MNI Talairach
0018 % coordinates are:
0019 %
0020 % vMNI = X * v;
0021 %
0023 % $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2005/07/05 23:37:24 $
0025 % Licence:  GNU GPL, no implied or express warranties
0026 % History:  11/2004 Darren.Weber_at_radiology.ucsf.edu
0027 %
0028 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0030 ver = '$Revision: 1.3 $';
0031 fprintf('FREESURFER_READ_TALXFM [v %s]\n',ver(11:15));
0033 fid = fopen(file,'r');
0035 if isequal(fid,-1),
0036     S=sprintf('Could not open file: "%s"',file);
0037     error(S);
0038 else
0040     fprintf('...Reading FreeSurfer talairach.xfm file:\n...%s\n\n',file);
0042     % read lines until we get the string 'Linear_Transform', which precedes
0043     % the data transformation matrix
0044     gotit = 0;
0045     string2match = 'Linear_Transform';
0046     for i=1:20, % read up to 20 lines, no more
0047         temp = fgetl(fid);
0048         if strmatch(string2match,temp),
0049             % we have the right line, so don't read any more
0050             gotit = 1;
0051             break;
0052         end
0053     end
0055     if gotit,
0056         % Read the transformation matrix (3x4).
0057         TalairachXFM = fscanf(fid,'%f',[4,3])';
0058         TalairachXFM(4,:) = [0 0 0 1];
0059         fclose(fid);
0060     else
0061         fclose(fid);
0062         error('failed to find ''Linear_Transform'' string in first 20 lines of xfm file.');
0063     end
0065 end
0067 return

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